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About Arthur’s amazing journey as Young CHRLY 2021

My name is Arthur Magnus, I’m 25 years old and I’m from Brussels, Belgium. I joined Fujitsu in the Young Graduate Program in September 2021. I currently work as an IT Consultant in our Secure Cloud & Workplace Micro-Enterprise, where I focus on our Microsoft Azure & Power Platform offering.

Why you need to become a container expert

Containers are trendy. Is that sufficient reason to specialise in the things? In essence, of course, it is always interesting to stay up to date on upcoming technology. But when it comes to containers, there are additional arguments.

DevSecOps: the buzzword that shouldn’t be one

If DevOps combines development and IT operations, DevSecOps introduces a triangular relationship in which security plays a significant role. A good thing, but not worth the hype. DevSecOps sounds like a new goal to pursue: the illustrious successor of DevOps. But if taking security seriously is a new and hip…

The IT specialist: at last part of the company?

IT specialists and developers have long known it: the organization where they work stands or falls on their knowledge and creations. Gradually, the rest of the company is catching on to this, and IT is evolving from an unknown and unloved cost item into a much-valued partner. A good thing,…

5 cliches IT professionals need to avoid on their CV

Are you an IT specialist? Then you’re in luck, because companies are literally fighting each other to attract talent on the job market. Two decades ago, candidates faced a lot of competition when applying for a job. Today, the tables are turned and employers are doing everything they can to…